Wooden Baseball Softball Ball Display Stands – WHOLESALE


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The ORIGINAL supplier of these bat stands. If you find them elsewhere, they are a knockoff and not the real thing!

EOB stands are made from solid wood, varnished and quality checked to perfection. These mini bat display stands are perfect for your softball or baseball!

Each stand includes 3, 6″ bats and one wooden ring. Tripod the bats, secure with the ring and display your favorite ball!


Quantity 1 = 10 Stands
Quantity 2 = 20 Stands etc

Shipping Cost Breakdown:

  • Up to 20 Stands = Select USPS Priority Mail Mailer (Standard Stands)

  • 21 Stands or more but less than 60 Stands = Select USPS Priority Mail Med Box (Bulk Stands)

  • More than 61 Stands but less than 100 = Super Bulk Stands

  • Over 100 = Message for Quote
    *If you are purchasing these for a special rate in a group buy, there are no refunds under any circumstances. The group rate depends on your participation. If you have any defective stands, we will replace those for you, no problem.*

Would you like one of the bats customized with your player’s name? Select that option at checkout and include your player’s name, business name or anything else you’d like (up to 15 characters). Once we receive the order, a mockup will be sent to you to check for spelling etc. PLEASE MAKE SURE you check your spam for our email: Orders@EmbroideryOnBalls.com