12 Days of Giveaways – Day 6 – 2020

For the 6th day of our 12 Days of Giveaways we are excited to bring you this awesome freebie from Sew What Embroidery.  AND a sweet giveaway from Embroidery on Balls.  Hop on over to both of these wonderful groups to snag your goodies. Also make sure you check into all your groups as you never know what other fun things may be going on.

Today is our GIVEAWAY/ ENTER TO WIN Day!!

This brand new design can be yours today simply by telling us what’s the biggest thing on your wishlist this year! What do you want the big man to bring you? What are you working towards for your business? For your personal self? Let us know in the comments below! One lucky person will WIN THIS IN THE HOOP ORNAMENT design!! 

If you don’t win it, you can use tomorrow’s coupon code to buy it with a discount. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s code!

95 Replies to “12 Days of Giveaways – Day 6 – 2020”

  1. I want Santa to bring storage shelves so I can actually have a spot for my fabric instead of on the dining room table and on totes on the floor.

    1. I want a plane ticket to watch my son as he retires from the United States Air Force. A proud momma moment.

    1. I really want a ten needle embroidery machine . I sent a post and it didn’t post. if it did delete the other

  2. Thank you for the amazing giveaway . I am pretty new and hand cuttling is a real pain for my hands so I would really enjoy a scan n cut machine for Christmas .
    If not this Christmas for the next one 🎄🥰 .

  3. A cure for my daughter’s rare cancer. It’s a killer cancer that does not respond to chemo or radiation.

  4. I would really love to have another embroidery machine in my home, so that when my granddaughters are visiting, I too can embroider something on a machine too!

    I am working on maybe starting a little business to make me a little extra spending money.
    My personal goal is…just being a better me. 🙂

  5. The biggest thing on my wishlist this year is for my husbands family (mom, sister and 2 nieces) from TX to fly to WA to spend Christmas with my family. They have never met. The physical item I have on my wishlist is a multi-needle embroidery machine!

  6. Gee! That stumped me! I can’t think of anything I want! I have 3 embroidery machines a good car, plenty of clothes! I wish my health was better but there’s nothing he can do about that! I know–a certificate for a year of free pedicures and/or manicures!!!

  7. I’m hoping the big guy ( or my husband lol) brings me a multi needle machine. Although I am super new to embroidery ( just started September) I love it and want to do more like shirts and hats and I’m pretty limited. As far as what I’m working towards I would love to have my own Etsy shop I originally wanted to do just kids and baby items but after learning the in the hoop projects I’m sold on endless possibilities. Thanks for the opportunity to win this cool project.

  8. I have a electric pressure canner on my list. I’ve been homesteading more than usual this year and this would definitely help with that.

  9. This is a gorgeous design! I just got my business back on track and want to expand the embroidery portion of it, so I’m looking to upgrade my machine and purchase some software. Just a 5×7 would be a nice upgrade for now, but eventually I’d like a 6 or 10 needle.

  10. Patience and wisdom. (I am working on those myself) But since I am new to embroidery i would like to ask the big guy for embroidery scissors.

  11. My kids to have an amazing Christmas! My husband and I lost our businesa due to Covid. Im trying so hard to get my kids things here and there.

  12. I want to narrow my business down to just embroidery so I can free up time to spend with grandkids. They are only little for a short time

  13. I want a master bathroom remodel. Plus I am determined to finish all of my unfinished projects by the end of the year. LOL

  14. I want Santa to bring me a new embroidery machine. I am making ITH items like crazy. Love It! Thank you for the gifts!

  15. I am making and selling my embroidery items to buy Christmas presents for my 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Anyone on a fixed income understands this. Thank you for the giveaways!

  16. I’ve been so so busy doing everything for my kids, I haven’t even thought what if might like for Christmas. Maybe some new jeans and shirts. Mine are pretty old.

  17. Wow, big question, I guess I’m choosing to work on personal growth, to let the little things go, to understand that not everything is in my control and in my same line of vision, to let go and let god. I hope to one day be able to get a bigger machine, i purchased the 4×4 thinking i wouldn’t use it that much and now I embroider and don’t quilt hardly at all. So, that is my wish list and i don’t have a business, but I hope all the small businesses bounce back and people support them now more then ever and continue to do so in the future.

  18. Not sure where to leave by reply for the give away but I don’t have anything I want really. Sure there are lots of stuff I could use but more than anything I would wish that a cure for COVID could be found. It’s such a scary thing for everyone worldwide. Many people getting sick and dying in a very short period of time. That would be the best gift

  19. I would like to better take care of myself… become healthier and spend more time with family

  20. Biggest thing on my Christmas list would be a chance to get together with family without the worry of Covid.

  21. My wish is for my sons kidneys to start working normally again and for him to be safe and comfortable

  22. Biggest think on my wishlist currently is my health. Found out I have cancer 7 weeks ago, and have started chemo.

  23. My biggest Christmas wish is for my family to find peace and Joy this holiday, We have lost many love ones and jobs and not getting to see each other makes it stressful. We need to keep our faith strong.

  24. I am wishing for health for my children and my spouse. My youngest was diagnosed with breast cancer this July, 38 years young. Don’t have a business, just do this for family and my enjoyment.

  25. This might sound corny but all I really want is for my family to be able to come home and for us all to be healthy and safe!

  26. I really would love Santa to bring a long arm, but that’s not happening! So next would be that my kids get everything that they really want on their lists.

  27. My Santa’s wishlist is a simple one this year because wish is already fulfilled! This year I want my Christmas sewing finished early and it’s already done! If I could have anything from Santa it would a new embroidery machine or a scan and cut. My current machine is almost worn out.

  28. Id like Santa to bring my family what they want because being with them is my most important Christmas present

  29. My only Christmas wish for myself this year- is for my surgery to go smoothly! As of right now, I have 2 chemo treatments left, and should be having a double mastectomy the week before Christmas.
    Pretty much all sales and sewing are on hold until after the first of the year. I miss it, but will get it back.

  30. What do you want the big man to bring you? I would love the big guy to give my husband a new vehicle. What are you working towards for your business? I am work towards a 16 needle commercial machine. For your personal self? I would love to have a new wardrobe of high heels.

  31. On my wish list this year is the Ricoma EM1010. OMG!!! Santa you would make this girl really happy if you grant this wish.
    I promise to be good all year round…lol

  32. My ‘miracle’ gift wish this year would be a larger embroidery machine but my ‘realistic’ gift wish will be to spend time with the hubby who is currently working out of state (20hrs away) for the next 2 yrs.

  33. I would wish to have all my children and grand children home for the holiday. My son and daughter in law are active Coast Guard.

  34. My wishlist includes a worktable for my machines and to be able to cut fabric and vinyl, I was able to get a bigger embroidery machine this year and would like a secure place for it to sit and be used

  35. I would like our tickets to visit Switzerland. We were supposed to go this yr but cancelled due to covid and next yr is still not determined.

  36. Would love to be able to go back to work. Can’t due to Covid. And if I have to be home. Would love a 10 needle machine

  37. I really need a new embroidery machine. Mine is on the edge of failure. I don”t want to have to give up on embroidering. I love it so much!

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